1) \ˈflat-ˌlīn\ \ˈthiŋk-ing\ the written documentation of actions and observations by a person apparently in a state of no progress or advancement.
Monday, February 28, 2011
You are getting sleepy.... sleepy....slee.....
I had been restfully sleeping and drifted off to a surreal experience where I was informed that I was going to be laid off from work. I couldn't believe this was happening and began to panic not realizing what I was going to tell Mrs. Kfred to keep her calm or how I was going to meet my monthly obligations without a job. It was all so real. I tried to convince the messenger that it was a mistake and that they should keep me, but, I was told the decision had been made and that they were sorry.
I don't remember what else occurred but, did finally wake up. It took me a few minutes to come out of the fog and realize it was all a dream and that nothing had changed. The good news: I still have a job. The bad news: It wasn't my job here at FTI they were eliminating; it was my position in Dilbertland.
I think I will go back to sleep.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
It's Green Sunday
Just like Sunday Brunch, most of the stuff here is overvalued, pre-cooked, and have already been sneezed on by some snotty 6 year old kid. But, go ahead: take a look here and see if any of these days old items are to your liking. Like most places, our admonishments are the same: "Take as much as you want, read all that you take".
The weekly struggle begins again tomorrow. See you then.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
It's Ironic you got a hold of us here
In the last 24 hours I have received both a phone call on my personal Executive Director's secure line and an email from 2 different people I do not know inquiring into issues that I know nothing about. The phone call involved an inquiry and request to call back concerning the "Camry" I had available on Craigslist. I have never owned a Camry before. The second incident was an email from an individual wanting to know if I was "under a gag order" as I hadn't responded to an earlier email. The sad thing is I never received an earlier email.
As relayed above, in both cases I have no idea what these people are talking about. I find Craigslist readers to be a bit strange and the site itself is nothing more than an electronic want ads site. I don't peruse there any more than I would the ads in the newspaper. If I'm not buying, I'm not interested. NowI have used Craigslist to sell small items before but find that most of the respondents want you to pay them to take stuff and then never show when they state that they "will be right out". As to being under a "gag order", I don't even know where to start with that one.
Obviously, I am proud of the work here at FTI, but certainly don't trumpet it very loudly for fear of ridicule, shame, and embarrassment. For the Misfits. Not me.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
And now, a word from our Sponsor
Immediately suspecting this was nothing but another ploy advanced by Dickey the Peap to enjoy another free lunch, I tested the tool to check it out. Thankfully, there were no offers for free lunches for freeloaders, though, I did notice the 60% off savings offer on Waxing services at Bare Down There Waxing.
I know there is a joke there somewhere. I just can't seem to identify it.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Talk about procrastinators
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – America's National Christmas Tree came tumbling down Saturday in a windstorm that battered the U.S. capital.
The 47-year-old, 42-foot-high (13-metre) Colorado blue spruce, which the president lit each year to mark the Christmas season, snapped near its base on the Ellipse near the White House.
"We're glad that there are no injuries," said Bill Line, a spokesman for the National Park Service.
"We're glad that it took place at a time when people were away from the tree and we are saddened that it has happened," he told Washington TV station WRC4.
Line said a new tree would be up in time for next Christmas.
Is it a wonder we can't get a budget together on time? Hell, we can't even put away the Christmas decorations until after Valentine's Day.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
It's Green Sunday
Just like Sunday Brunch, most of the stuff here is overvalued, pre-cooked, and have already been sneezed on by some snotty 6 year old kid. But, go ahead: take a look here and see if any of these days old items are to your liking. Like most places, our admonishments are the same: "Take as much as you want, read all that you take".
The weekly struggle begins again tomorrow. See you then.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
The Dream. The Impossible dream
Slated for vigorous discussion and debate at this Monday's staff meeting is a conversation over a requirement that all staff members pass a core competency test. The fact that our staff IS our staff would seem to negate this hurdle in the first place, but, our cheap-assed Board of Directors have insisted this be measured at well. I don't understand the nervousness surrounding this event as there seem to be no consequences for failure. After all, what's going to happen? If Gummo, the Balloon Boy's services are no longer needed here, what competitive group will need an individual with actual Balloon experience? Does anyone really think that Slateface's abilities are in demand? And other than being a spokesperson for either the Dollar Store organization or as a posterboy for anyone holding an elder abuse workshop, would Dickie the Peap land somewhere else? I think not.
In th end, I know the outcome: the losers here will remain. It's just our way.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Anyone have any questions?
Initially invited months ago, I was a bit apprehensive as I thought this might actually be a cover for an intervention session. Further investigation showed,this group is unaware of my shadow duties here at FTI and that this invitation was just a, "no, we want to hear about some of your stuff and have you pay for lunch while we do it", type of gathering. I am completely at ease with this type of meeting as this is exactly the same type of attitude that Dickey the Peap employs whenever he calls a similar meeting: I want to invite you, but you are going to pay. Not only is love the universal language, so is cheap.
Regardless, I expect some follow-up questions afterward and all topics will be open for discussion, save one: Any FTI items. I want to be invited back some time.
Monday, February 14, 2011
If you want the best, you have got to get the best
Our team was recently hired as there is a multitude of financial talent in the marketplace presently. Knowing that ours is a destination organization for some of these bright minds, reviewing some of the names of organizations from which our team hailed was a pleasure: Enron, Circuit City, Lehman Brothers, and Jedi Mind. These were huge players in their fields and I feel fortunate to have snagged key employees of each to help prepare our FTI return.
I am confident the return will withstand any type of possible scrutiny given to it by the IRS.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
It's Green Sunday
Just like Sunday Brunch, most of the stuff here is overvalued, pre-cooked, and have already been sneezed on by some snotty 6 year old kid. But, go ahead: take a look here and see if any of these days old items are to your liking. Like most places, our admonishments are the same: "Take as much as you want, read all that you take".
The weekly struggle begins again tomorrow. See you then.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Hardly a historical uprising
Give Peace a chance.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
I'm thinking of a number
Mr. X called me yesterday excited about his latest venture. Having earlier in the week fleeced a senior citizen out of a couple of hundred bucks in exchange for some manual labor around the old geezer's home, X is now setting his sites on cornering the market of ESP by investing in a company known as Jedi Mind (To our 2 faithful readers: truly, I can't make this stuff up.) Once again, extensive analysis, raging greed, and blind unawareness, has led X to a stock of a company that develops software for thought-controlled technologies, allowing the user to interact with the computer and other machines through the power of the mind. TRANSLATION: Give us your money, you will never see it again. Having now taken a position on 60,000 shares, I mentioned to X that I would think that he would now be a member of the Board of Directors or at least part of the Executive team. X replied that since share were only worth .01 cents each (that's right, one penny!) his $600 stake probably wasn't going to sway many decisions made by the company.
Now I, for one, hope that X hits it big with this one. I don't know, though. Apparently he missed this warning sign. Regardless, all of this has cemented my choice for tomorrow's Jukebox selection. I encourage you 2 faithful readers to return tomorrow and realize the connection.
Monday, February 7, 2011
A not so super Super Bowl
And the movie trailers? Daniel Craig in Cowboys and Aliens!?
If I didn't know better, I would suspect that a number of these ad agency types were alumni of FTI. Their work certainly resembled it.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
It's Green Sunday
Just like Sunday Brunch, most of the stuff here is overvalued, pre-cooked, and have already been sneezed on by some snotty 6 year old kid. But, go ahead: take a look here and see if any of these days old items are to your liking. Like most places, our admonishments are the same: "Take as much as you want, read all that you take".
The weekly struggle begins again tomorrow. See you then.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Gee. this is roomy
My problem is not with the vehicle itself, but, rather the dealership's reluctance to accept the vehicle into the shop. Oh, they have no problem doing the work; it is just that they requested I bring it in under cover of total darkness. Apparently our FTI logo emblazoned on the side was the source of worry and ridicule by some employees and adjoining businesses. (Obviously, our work is known region wide.) Regardless, I have to bring the vehicle in before sunrise in order to get the necessary work done.
For my efforts, however, I did extract one concession from the dealer: they will give me a loaner vehicle while mine is being repaired. Apparently it is some type of trade they just took in. Clean, Well-maintained. Low miles. Room for 12. The prior owner: Ringling Brothers.
Monday, January 31, 2011
When Mr. X says "buy", be sure you sell
Known for his diligent research, keen insights, and savvy insider abilities, X's latest choice of maddening riches beyond his wildest dreams was a small medical devices firm. Relying on multiple sources including the firm's own web page, Mr. X ignored statements including the words "troubled firm", "debt-laden", and "highly doubtful this shit can work". Of course, the statement in the "Careers with Us" soliciting candidates for a person whose duties included, "turning off the lights after we fold like a cheap suitcase" didn't seem to register as a warning, either. Regardless, X bought a substantial position in the company early in the morning only to discover the firm had filed bankruptcy by noon. Sorry Charlie. Ala-hoo-ay-a-zer.
Fortunately, our charitable arm here at FTI was wise enough to evaluate Mr. X's promises and statements by processing them through the Factorcrap Truthometer Deluxe via a reciprocal agreement we have with one another. Realizing that an alliance with X would not be profitable and also a source of shame and embarrassment, they politely declined his offer. We wish Mr. X a speedy recovery from the financial shellacking he seems to be suffering lately.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
It's Green Sunday
Just like Sunday Brunch, most of the stuff here is overvalued, pre-cooked, and have already been sneezed on by some snotty 6 year old kid. But, go ahead: take a look here and see if any of these days old items are to your liking. Like most places, our admonishments are the same: "Take as much as you want, read all that you take".
The weekly struggle begins again tomorrow. See you then.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Offensive? Maybe. Funny? Definitely.
A man was sitting on a blanket at the beach. He had no arms and no legs.
Three women, from England , Wales , and Scotland , were walking past and felt sorry for the poor man.
The English woman said "Have you ever had a hug?"
The man said "No," so she gave him a hug and walked on.
The Welsh woman said, "Have you ever had a kiss?"
The man said, "No," so she gave him a kiss and walked on.
The Scottish woman came to him and said, "'ave ya ever been fooked, laddie?"
The man broke into a big smile and said, "No".
She said, "Aye, ya will be when the tide comes in."
Friday, January 28, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Stay with it; You can do it!
An unsolicited phone call was received here at FTI by someone purporting to be part of a contest derived from the "Biggest Loser" TV show. I thought that my continuing workout sessions on the Christmas Wii present must have drawn some attention to my dedication and steadfastness to drop a few pounds. Immediately, however, I realized that my 15 lb. weight loss goal, though memorable, is not exceptionally meaningful to the producers of a show that profiles people losing upward of 150 lbs. of weight. As I asked a few more questions, this individual started to explain that No, they weren't looking to profile people whom had lost weight. They were looking for Losers. Actual Losers. Somehow, they had gotten our number and wanted to profile a couple of our members.
The Rat Bastard G begins filming next week.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Advice for the Forelorn
Much like Dear Abby in the local newspaper, our new "Dear Kfred" initiative here at FTI is increasingly becoming a popular feature of the work we perform here for the community. Here is an actual letter:
Dear Kfred:
My husband (I'll call him "El-Cheapo") told me today that he didn't get me anything for my birthday because everything was too expensive. What should I do?
Signed, Mrs.
Dear Mrs. El-Cheapo,
It's ironic that you write in as we had a very similar scenario here at FTI. One of the Misfits relayed a story to me when he told me he had his feelings hurt while considering a gift for his wife's birthday. Apparently our Misfit thought it would be nice to buy his wife a little gift for her birthday and went to a department store. "How about some perfume?" he asked the cosmetics clerk. She showed him a $50.00 bottle.
"That's a bit much," he said , so she returned with a smaller bottle for $30.00. "That's still quite a bit," he complained.
Growing annoyed, the clerk brought out a tiny $15.00 bottle. "What I mean," said , "is I'd like to see something really cheap."
The clerk handed him a mirror.
Just be thankful he is cheap and doesn't try to squander your life savings on losing stock tips.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
It's Green Sunday
Just like Sunday Brunch, most of the stuff here is overvalued, pre-cooked, and have already been sneezed on by some snotty 6 year old kid. But, go ahead: take a look here and see if any of these days old items are to your liking. Like most places, our admonishments are the same: "Take as much as you want, read all that you take".
The weekly struggle begins again tomorrow. See you then.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
You are eligible for an upgrade
Never the less, as a service to a friend in need, I am posting a picture of the preferred model of choice. I urge both of our faithful readers to scour their attics, basements, and dead grandfathers WWII belongings to see if they have a comparable model. If so, please contact us here at FTI for placement to a grateful individual. It would mean so much.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
The official travel partner of FTI
Kfred Jr. 2 begins his 5 year journey with the US Army as a 2nd lieutenant upon graduation this spring. Obviously, graduation is a big deal with all of the related events and hoopla. We've known about the date for around 6 months but I never got around to buying some airline tickets. 2 weeks ago, a window of opportunity opened in which I could buy round trip tickets from the FTI base here on the West Coast direct to Newark nonstop for $279 per person. That's a bargain! Unfortunately, the window slammed shut by the time I sauntered up to the electronic ticket window a day later and suddenly prices had leapt to $386 each. Immediately reverting to the type of behavior I have observed in Dickie the Peap, I started forming a plan to whine, moan, complain, browbeat, and badger to the best of my abilities, anyone on the end of the phone line into giving me the previous price. Obvious, my skills are not as highly refined as his as I got nowhere fast. Realizing that competition in the airline industry is cut-throat and ongoing, I figured if I waited and kept checking the website, I would score a deal. Yesterday, I check in for my daily ritual, note that the price has dropped $135 per ticket, reserved 2 of them, and walked away with the exact seats I had wished for 2 weeks ago and an extra 270 bones in my pocket to blow in New York City in the springtime. Badda-bing, Badda-boom.
The website I used? Why, it's the one that Dickie frequents whenever he travels: CheapoAir. (this site is so cheap that their website is down as I am writing this post. I sure hope they get me the airline tickets.)
Monday, January 17, 2011
It doesn't take much to help
Kfred Jr. 2 and his wife, Golidlocks gave me a present for Christmas that I activated yesterday and I am glad they did. I received a donation/giftcard in my name to an organization known as Kiva. Simply, from their own website, Kiva's mission is to connect people, through lending, for the sake of alleviating poverty. Currently, I am a lending partner to a man in Uganda who is running a small market to sell fruits and vegetables in his village. His total request was for $900. 16 other lenders read his story and decided to help him in his enterprise and loaned him various amounts totaling the $900 to get him started. He has approximately 18 months to pay back the loan at which time I can then turn around and loan it to someone else. The beauty of the project is that the small donation I make is basically nothing to me, but, is a ransom to someone in a poor country trying to survive. I feel good about helping someone else while knowing that somewhere on the other side of the world, someone, regardless of race, color, or religion is being assisted to get out of poverty. I think it's great.
Now, I have go work on my business plan that I am about to submit to Kiva. I would think that the FTI story would generate a ton of donations; if for nothing else, simply out of a sense of pity.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
It's Green Sunday
Just like Sunday Brunch, most of the stuff here is overvalued, pre-cooked, and have already been sneezed on by some snotty 6 year old kid. But, go ahead: take a look here and see if any of these days old items are to your liking. Like most places, our admonishments are the same: "Take as much as you want, read all that you take".
The weekly struggle begins again tomorrow. See you then.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Say, Is that REAL Bling?
Hearkening back to our post last week of the investing travails of Mr. X, immediately below the "About Me" section in the column of the right side of this page, I am posting the closing price of the particular investment in question as a demonstration and fun way for our 2 faithful readers to track the utter failure of X as he attempts to rebuild his lost fortune. X bailed out on Zales to take a small profit to only watch a monster run-up in value yesterday that would have easily netted him a solid 4-digit profit. Instead, the timid one went weak kneed and missed out on a golden opportunity.
Until our idiot IT department (the most reviled department here at FTI) learns how to track the lost opportunity on a real time basis and add it to the tally as well, I will continue to track it manually and post it regularly. In the meantime, just remember that in shopping for jewelry, in Mr. X's case, every kiss does NOT begin with Kaye.
January 27, 2011 UPDATE: Having displayed ample evidence of the complete lunacy of this choice, I am suspending the practice of tracking this embarrassment. Mr. X will have to live with the knowledge that stock picking is not his forte.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Life imitating Art
The Rat Bastard G informed me that immortality is his goal and that he intends to become the ageless wonder similar to the character in the novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray." The novel tells of a young man named Dorian Gray, the subject of a painting by artist Basil Hallward. Basil is impressed by Dorian's beauty and becomes infatuated with him, believing his beauty is responsible for a new mode in his art. Dorian meets Lord Henry Wotton, a friend of Basil's, and becomes enthralled by Lord Henry's world view. Espousing a new hedonism, Lord Henry suggests the only things worth pursuing in life are beauty and fulfillment of the senses. Realizing that one day his beauty will fade, Dorian (whimsically) expresses a desire to sell his soul to ensure the portrait Basil has painted would age rather than himself. Dorian's wish is fulfilled, plunging him into debauched acts. The portrait serves as a reminder of the effect each act has upon his soul, with each sin displayed as a disfigurement of his form, or through a sign of aging.
Unfortunately, in the case of the G-man, the aging process is not accelerated with sinful deeds, but rather, through acts of stupidity. And right now, he looks like this.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
It's Green Sunday
Just like Sunday Brunch, most of the stuff here is overvalued, pre-cooked, and have already been sneezed on by some snotty 6 year old kid. But, go ahead: take a look here and see if any of these days old items are to your liking. Like most places, our admonishments are the same: "Take as much as you want, read all that you take".
The weekly struggle begins again tomorrow. See you then.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
How many Fingers am I holding up?
Our Safety Director, Mrs Kfred, suffered an unfortunate fall this morning on her way to the FTI Sanitation Receptacle/Misfit Monument as some unseen ice had formed overnight and she slipped and fell and suffered a bruised back and slight blow to the head. I happened to hear her gasp and the subsequent fall and immediately sprung into action to investigate. Finding her slumped on the ground, I helped her to her feet, and immediately rendered first aid. Fearing that her analytical abilities may be compromised and testing her mental faculties, I suspected something may be wrong as she gave incorrect responses to the first 3 of the 4 baseline questions I had formulated including: 1) the correct atomic weight of chromium, 2) the value of pi to the 6th decimal point, or 3) if CarrotTop was truly a funny comedian. Only on the 4th question of who was the biggest well known skinflint that her mumbled answer of "Dickie the Peap" make me realize there would be no long term permanent damage. Regardless, I immediately assumed duties for the time being and know things will be OK on a long term basis.
Thank God for some absolutes when conducting these type of tests.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Pssst. Hey Buddie. Wanna stock tip?
about earlier concerning his involvement with an eerily similar sounding venture to our organization. Let's just call him call him, "Mr. X".
Now "X" is a decent kind of fellow; fairly intelligent, definitely more than a bit quirky, but overall a guy that you can count on for sound advice and information on most topics, except one: Finances, specifically, stock picking. At that point, "Mr. X" falls off the rail and you might as well invest everything you have regardless of loss, cost, or value in any company that exclusively manufactures VCR's, horsewhips, or wall crank telephones. I can assure you that your financial position in any companies in these types of industries would return more than what X has done with his analytical picks.
"Mr. X" originally hired a second cousin of one of the Misfits on an interim basis to act as an intern of his organization. The resultant failure of this experience made me realize that though X is still one of my confidants, he certainly will not be my financial adviser. Anyways, X was bemoaning the fact that he had a particular investment that he had been holding for a period of time and decided to take a small profit from it and immediately put an order to his broker to sell it all the next morning. Sure enough, the next morning, the investment opened to the downside, further shrinking Mr. X's profit, but, hey, a profit is a profit. Then just as quickly, it reversed course and went up a full $1.25 a share before settling higher for the entire day. As a result, Mr. X watched $6,000 float by his greedy, grubby, overcharging, whining, little meathooks without snagging any part of it.
I feel sorry for X. Instead of the Midas touch, he has something else. I think it resembles the short-armed touch.
Monday, January 3, 2011
From barbells to dumbells
Santa brought Mrs.Kfred a Nintendo Wii Fit Board and game for Christmas, and I must say, I am impressed. Having requested one last year, at the time I thought Mrs.Kfred might have had made
So impressed with the Wii board, that I sent of an e-mail to Nintendo praising them for their fine work and explaining my duties here at the Institute. I described our population in great detail and offered to collaborate on a new instrument they may be interested for developing, measuring, and recording the numerical equivalent of the degree of thought process and intelligence quotient in individuals similar to our population here at FTI. I was subsequently informed that the thimble has evolved to also serve this purpose.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
It's New Year's Sunday Brunch
Just like Sunday Brunch, most of the stuff here is overvalued, pre-cooked, and have already been sneezed on by some snotty 6 year old kid. But, go ahead: take a look here and see if any of these days old items are to your liking. Like most places, our admonishments are the same: "Take as much as you want, read all that you take".
The weekly struggle begins again tomorrow. See you then.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
2010 Year in Review-Even Google likes us
I asked the nerds in the idiot FTI IT dept (the most reviled department here at FTI) to determine which of our posts had any type of long-term "traction". I was trying to see which post generated the most internet traffic. One particular post stood out and constantly came up in searches by the various search engines on the internet. In asking how this result occurred, I was told that "a key metric of measuring visits and readership are utilized in embedded code in the language that produces this page by the Blogger People whom host our site." TRANSLATION: There's some cool stuff that tracks all of this shit.
My journey to the Coachella valley this past spring and this ensuing episode seems to repeatedly come up in search engine results. But don't take my word for it. Google the phrase "women attracted to authority figures" and see who pops up in the number 2 position out of 302,000 results. That's right. This one! Oh yeah. Uh-huh. We got it.
Ending the year on a high note, I thank both of our 2 faithful readers for your support in this past year, best wishes for the New Year and the constant encouragement to continue on working on the 12 steps to attain idiocy independence. Take it from an authority figure: We developed the program.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
2010 Year in Review- the saga continues
1) Having the utmost confidence that we have the right people in the places, I am still concerned that Mrs. Kfred refuses to be a willing member of the FTI Executive team. Without prior knowledge, she was appointed Chief Safety Officer here at the Institute, but, occasionally refuses to embrace the importance of it all. I view this incident as perhaps a wake-up call for her to take her duties seriously.
2) The constant quest to be relevant, eye-catching, and yes, fun to visit, were the main ingredients when our page change of identity was undertaken. Actually quite pleased with the results, this switch was not taken lightly and without debate. A faction of the page change committee openly pouted for 3 days after having lost in their bid to have the page consist of nothing but an image of a knotted shoelace. Something about the ability to neatly convey thoughts and ideas without tripping over own own logic. Losers.
And tomorrow, we will revisit the incident that continues to generate the most amazement and doubt of all: my journey to the Coachella Valley and the Giant Carrot Festival, therein.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
2010 Year in review - Pt. 1
Without any further adieu, I offer these 2 related subject stories with my own views:
1) Isn't it amazing how people are so drawn to the subject of internal health and view it as a joke or obvious sign of aging? "Oh, yeah, I had that done 2 years ago and I came out 'pffffffft............clean as whistle.' Doc even gave me some pictures too. Just wait. Yep, you know you are getting old when you schedule that appointment". I'm sorry. I consider this milestone as nothing more than getting your eyes checked. Granted, it is a little more invasive in a more private area of your body, but, I don't see anyone walking around with eyeglasses on their butt, either. Each part of the body has a job to do; this one just happened to be last in line when God handed out the assignments.
2) Thinking that relaying this tidbit would put some reader's minds to ease, I get the feeling that the full appreciation for the danger I expose myself to on a daily basis is not always fully recognized. I can't worry about that perception, however, My job is to do the best I can with the tools at my disposal. And believe me, most of our staff are tools.
I have a few more to list as the week progresses. In the meantime, I am working on planning for 2011. Hopefully, these times can be viewed as our all time low water marks.
Monday, December 27, 2010
May the rhythm of the season dance through your soul
Following my post 10 days or so ago about the lack of meaningful Christmas cards arriving here at FTI, I was speaking to Gummo, the Balloon Boy whom asked if I had received his holiday greeting. Gummo informed me that Christmas was a special time to him and that he had taken the time to create a personalized greeting specifically for me that best reflected his personality, hobbies, dress, and demeanor in such a manner that would accurately reflect his true being.
Sure enough, right on cue, the next day, I open the mailbox and find the card pictured here with a "Merry Christmas, Gummo" signature. Immediately submitted to the crack staff of the FTI Psychological Profile unit, our team of experts were initially baffled by this card and it's meaning until a late night, "We're out of vodka. How about mouthwash? Do you have any of that?" breakthrough occurred that explained Gummo perfectly. The untrained lay person would assume that Gummo is attempting a cheap ripoff of the Saturday Night Fever franchise. Deeper analysis, however, reveals the true meaning of this person and his personality: Gummo is a well dressed, elf-like adventurer/4th place finisher in a 3rd grade spelling bee fleeing the impending giant disco ball about to crush him ala Indiana Jones while playing hopscotch. And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, explains everything perfectly.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
It's Christmas Sunday
In the meantime, take a look here and see if any of these days old items are to your liking. Like most places, our admonishments are the same: "Take as much as you want, read all that you take".
Our giant after-Christmas clearance postings begins tomorrow (you know, the one's no one wanted to read in the first place). See you then.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
'Twas the Night Before Christmas
'Twas the night before Christmas, and all ‘round the ‘tute
The dimwits were sleeping, the sight is not cute.
The restraints were hung by the chimney with care,
It’s for their own safety and general welfare;
The misfits were locked in their dormitory with beds,
They’re really no more than slow-thinking pinheads;
And Mrs Kfred in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled down for a long winter's nap,
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.
He’d be the one to visit our mentally sick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called the dimwits by name;
"Now, Freako! now, Gummo! and Dickie the Peap!
Wake up you slow whacko’s; you need no more sleep!
And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof,
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
He knew of these idiots I suffer each day,
He couldn’t believe I had chosen to stay.
As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound.
He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot;
Some brand new straightjackets he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack.
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread;
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
Replacing old tethers with an all knowing smirk,
He knew the great burden I constantly bear,
Sometimes I think, "I’m in a giant daycare,"
"Now Kfred," he boomed, “Don’t Worry, Don’t fuss,
All people have seen them aboard the short bus,
Most readers know they are all mental midgets,
Their collective IQ is but one single digit”,
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose;
He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, 'ere he drove out of sight,
“I’m glad I’m not you: None of those idiots seem right!”
(with profuse apologies to Clement Clarke Moore)
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Maybe they will call her Slate-arina
I have mixed feelings about this event. Certainly, the young child is an innocent being that will have every chance and opportunity to become whatever she chooses to do in life raised in a loving and stable home. She will, however, be saddled with the burden of having lineage traced directly back to a known idiot who has some strange ideas about fun and playing outside. God help the little Princess.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
"And I held his penis!"
As we were trading stories and insults, we reminisced about earlier experiences in our lifetimes. Dickey was describing an earlier camping trip he took as a teenager with another friend of his. Backpacking deep into the woods with nothing but a few staples, a backpack, and their wits, survival would be a test. During the course of their adventure and returning to camp from a successful fishing trip, young Dickey happened upon a young, male deer that had wandered into their camp. Our boy now decides that some venison stew sounds mighty appealing and that in order to have a tasty stew of this type, you need one particular key ingredient: venison. Armed with only a .22 rifle and without any hesitation, ol' Dickey Crockett drew the weapon, drops his pouch of $20 gold pieces to the ground as their sheer weight would affect his aim, flipped the tail on his 'coonskincap to the back of his head, draws a bead on poor defenseless Bambi, and blasts away. (At this point in the recitation, I ask you, the reluctant reader, to pause for one moment and envision a deer in your mind in a geometric fashion. A deer is basically a rectangle supported by four spindly sticks. You would be hard pressed to hit anything but the big rectangle if you were to aim and fire at this shape.) The resultant outcome is that old Deadeye shot the deer squarely--in the leg. Bambi is now hopping around, bewildered, disoriented, and pissed off. Young Fudd eventually stalks the wounded beast and finishes off the animal. At this point, he realizes that he has a quandary: What do you do now? Fortunately, Dickey's camping partner has some experience with field dressing an animal killed under such circumstances. The intestines of the animal can be easily stripped by exiting through the anal area of the beast. Great care must be made not to puncture the intestine so as not to ruin the meat. With that in mind, the hunting companion began to expertly make the cuts necessary to avoid any contamination. Logistics, however, required an extra set of hands in order to complete the task. Based on the information you, the gentle reader, have surmised to this point I will leave to you to determine the level of participation and area of the animal that involved the assistance of the Frugal One.
In the end (pun unintended), it seems to me that any future re-telling of this story would emphasize the appreciation for the freshness of the meat, the thrill of the sighting, or the luck in encountering an animal under these circumstances. Instead, I have a feeling that this milestone serves only as the foundation for the name from which Dickey was previously known: Groper.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
r u kidn?
I don't know quite what to think. Is this another ploy similar to the one that Jemma Clark was trying to pull earlier this year? Is this someone I know who recently changed their legal name and forgot to inform me of their new identity? I have a deep suspicion that Cheru is, in fact, an agent at a competitive Institute attempting to attain some type of inside information on us here at FTI. Honestly, as we attempt to toil in the utmost anonymity in order to avoid ridicule, I don't think we have to announce to the world our every move. And who would want to follow it anyway? Upon reflection, though, I realize there may be some folks whom simply don't have a life. (I, as Executive Director here at FTI, seem to be in charge of a bunch of them.) They have no need to better themselves. They actually want to see someone else fail. I get it. So let me attempt to make a "tweet":
Monday, December 20, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
it's Sunday Brunch
Just like Sunday Brunch, most of the stuff here is overvalued, pre-cooked, and have already been sneezed on by some snotty 6 year old kid. But, go ahead: take a look here and see if any of these days old items are to your liking. Like most places, our admonishments are the same: "Take as much as you want, read all that you take".
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Not a Creature Was Stirring
As we increasingly receive fewer and fewer Christmas cards from friends, acquaintances, and state regulatory agencies each year, I have chalked it up to the fact that times have changed. Technology in the form of email, video chat, almost free cellular time, Twitter, and the like have allowed people to become in constant communication with each other across the globe.
As this is only our second year in existence here at the Institute, I thought perhaps we should reach out and attempt to send a meaningful message to our constituents via a classy, thoughtful type of greeting and assigned my normally reliable and dependable Trusty/Asst. Executive Director, Giacommo, to fulfill the task. I left it up to him to find the appropriate artwork and suggested that the message we wished to convey was that even though times are tough, the Christmas Spirit was certainly not dead and we wished all of our recipients Happy Holidays. Somewhere in our communication of my intent, a short circuit occurred and my here-to-fore Golden Boy thought I said that the Christmas Spirit was dead and to wish everyone Happy Holidays. Imagine my shock and surprise when I found a couple of leftover unaddressed cards pictured above in the FTI Mail Center. Inside, the verse of "No Matter how hard times get, the freezer is full of venison; Wishing You the Warmest of Christmas Wishes, Your Friends at FTI."
Giacommo is currently on loan to the people over at Hallmark.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Edukation at it's finest
Fortunately our cheap-assed Board of Directors recognized this threat early on and provided me with a tool to combat this prevalent problem: a dictionary. I just need them now to get me some type of tool to detect and eliminate the possibility of having too many Misfits associated with us at any one time. I’m thinking an oversized butterfly net.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The Wheels of Justice Turn, Oh, So Slowly
I accompanied our resident thrift-miser, Dickey the Peap, to court yesterday to act as a character witness in his defense over a small traffic infraction. Dickey's personal vehicle had been involved in a red light running incident which resulted in a photo ticket mailed to his house as the owner of the vehicle caught on camera. The law in our jurisdiction assumes that since it's your car, it must be you driving it. Of all of the Peap-ed one's various character traits (frugal, cheap, closefisted, miserly, parsimonious, penny-pinching, penurious, pinching, spare, stinting, tight, tightfisted, etc), he is not dishonest. Dickey had not driven the car in question and was, in fact, not the person responsible. He requested his day in court to present his case. In formulating his defense earlier, the scrimping one had planned to plead an ignorance defense. (EDITORS NOTE: This type of defense was actually written for our membership and has been apparently exploited for a number of years based on the action of these nitwits in the past.) With the assistance of the results that had been independently confirmed by the Factorcrap Truthometer Deluxe, (which were accepted by the court) and my expert witness credibility, the charge was overturned and the penalty vacated.
The Perry Mason moment of the whole incident: The prosecution's entire case revolved around the alleged infraction occurring at an intersection of a downtown corner where the bank is located with limited parking. The judge rightly realized after my testimony that the Peap-ed one could not have possible been driving the vehicle in question to the bank. The bank won't validate for free parking.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
It's Sunday Brunch
Just like Sunday Brunch, most of the stuff here is overvalued, pre-cooked, and have already been sneezed on by some snotty 6 year old kid. But, go ahead: take a look here and see if any of these days old items are to your liking. Like most places, our admonishments are the same: "Take as much as you want, read all that you take".
Saturday, December 11, 2010
A Little Holiday Humor
Three men died on Christmas Eve and were met by Saint Peter at the pearly gates.
'In honor of this holy season' Saint Peter said, 'You must each
possess something that symbolizes Christmas to get into heaven.'
The man from England fumbled through his pockets and pulled out a
lighter. He flicked it on. 'It represents a candle', he said.
'You may pass through the pearly gates' Saint Peter said.
The man from Scotland reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of
keys. He shook them and said, 'They're bells.'
Saint Peter said 'You may pass through the pearly gates'.
The Irishman started searching desperately through his pockets and
finally pulled out a pair of women's panties.
St. Peter looked at the man with a raised eyebrow and asked, 'And just
what do those symbolize?'
The Irishman replied, 'These are Carols.'
Friday, December 10, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
You' ll Leave Today Feeling Empowered to Succeed!
If I do say so myself, I seem to be a leader in the class at this time. I have repeatedly had the right answers, relayed the most helpful experiences, and throughly impressed the facilitator of the course. After yesterday's first session, he pulled me aside to congratulate me and compliment me on how impressed he was with my participation. We started talking about my actual experience and background. After explaining my circumstances and describing how the Misfits think and act, I have been granted a waiver of the enrollment fee and have actually been asked to conduct a seminar on his behalf in the future. The reason for asking me to do so? I obviously have greater expertise in this area than the moderator when attempting to "Making the Most with the Idiots That Surround You. "
Monday, December 6, 2010
You guys sound just like the Mormon Tabernacle Choir
As mentioned last week, I have begun to assemble the FTI Doofus Squad in the hopes of creating some type of choir that could entertain people over the holidays. Knowing that most groups can sing the simple standard Christmas songs, I thought it might be a good idea to tackle some of the more complex Christmas hymns as a display of our progress in developing our advanced behavioral programs. Apparently, that idea was not exactly original as some other competitive group of deep thinkers has beaten us to it and posted their highly impressive results on Youtube.
It's not easy to perform before a large group in a spontaneous setting. It's also not easy to to have memorable results when the majority of your choir's singing ability is equal to that of Peter Boyle's speaking parts in the Young Frankenstein movie, either. After listening to our attempts to be like the above featured group, I realize that perhaps we need to try something less challenging. We're working on "Up On the Housetop" currently, but, are having some difficulties with it as well. The Misfits have mastered the "Ho, Ho, Ho" part. It's the rest of it that's hard.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
It's Sunday Brunch
Just like Sunday Brunch, most of the stuff here is overvalued, pre-cooked, and have already been sneezed on by some snotty 6 year old kid. But, go ahead: take a look here and see if any of these days old items are to your liking. Like most places, our admonishments are the same: "Take as much as you want, read all that you take".
The weekly struggle begins again tomorrow. See you then.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
I got your weather for ya right here
Friday, December 3, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Hey, that's Odd
- the repeated false alarm/failure signal coming from the FTI wastewater treatment facility. Normally transformed into our holiday wonderland and short track speed skating course during the wintertime, the wastewater treatment facility has recently been plagued by the damn alarm that keeps intermittently emitting a shrieking sound to signal a failed pump. I trundle my ass out there, check to make sure that all is OK with the water levels (they're fine), reset the float, and think all is well. 6 hours later it starts all over again. It really is nothing serious, but I am going to have to do something as the sound is definitely irritating, especially for fans of Gummo the Balloon Boy, as he races for the finish line coming out of the turn over in corner 3.
- the breakdown of the 42" FTI plasma TV/entertainment system. I don't watch a whole lot of TV. The unit itself is barely 4 years old. Suddenly last night, Mrs. Kfred attempts to turn the unit on to monitor the questions on Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader? in hopes that perhaps the Misfits might have met a competitive level for us to be proud about (to this point, they haven't), and the damn TV doesn't work. Mustering my deep electronic knowledge, I stand in front of the TV and turn the power switch on and off a couple of times. Nothing. I then search the FTI resource library to find every owners manual of anything we have ever bought: Electric pencil sharpener, 17 year old clock radio, 2 models ago toaster, current refrigerator, hair curling iron (really, Dear? The owners manual for a hair curling iron. What the hell are we keeping this for!?) Finally finding the manual for the TV, I find the troubleshooting index and do everything I am supposed to. Same result. My fear is that the repair will be equal to the cost of a new TV. Of course, the fact that what I paid over $2000 4 years ago can now be had for $699 brings me about the same amount of pain as I experience when I hear the initial practice sessions of the FTI Holiday Choir (we'll be discussing that in an upcoming post as well). So, a call to the repairman today is in order.
Monday, November 29, 2010
The Season of Joy begins
In anticipation of the upcoming holidays and taking advantage of a break in the weather yesterday, I was able to get outdoors and start the preparation of decorating the Institute with outdoor Christmas lights yesterday. Not wanting to repeat the fiasco we experienced last year when I instructed Gummo the Balloon Boy to decorate, I took it upon myself to plan the layout and put everything together. And, if I do say so myself, it came out pretty well. I have to do some upper second story work next weekend as the light faded before I finished, but, that's OK. I'm not ready to turn them on this early anyway. Regardless, it is a scene reminiscent of any holiday postcard.
Now, if I can just get the Misfits to start behaving, we should be able to capture that special Kodak moment and not have something like this.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
It's Sunday Brunch
Just like Sunday Brunch, most of the stuff here is overvalued, pre-cooked, and have already been sneezed on by some snotty 6 year old kid. But, go ahead: take a look here and see if any of these days old items are to your liking. Like most places, our admonishments are the same: "Take as much as you want, read all that you take".
The weekly struggle begins again tomorrow. See you then.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Let's get out there and shop
I am off today to begin my Christmas shopping. Mrs.Kfred is out with a friend to go to the various holiday bazaar's for those "special and unique Christmas items.*" While she is determining the next got-to-have- Christmas decoration to be displayed here at the Institute, I am on my own for the personal gifts to find for the family and friends. This is always a struggle as I never quite know what to get for those people on my shopping list; they are such a hard bunch to shop for. Some suggestions: A Kindle reading device, a digital picture frame, a new office chair? All of these are on my research list today.
I shouldn't complain, however. Part of my holiday tasks are quite easy. For instance, shopping for the Misfits is not too difficult. The Green Comic will be satisfied with the signed, yellowing copy of a script of a 1971 episode of the old TV show Hee-Haw; Gummo the Balloon Boy has lately taken an interest in modern art; I found a book on how to make figurines from earwax which should keep him enthralled for days. Of course, following the spirit of giving a gift from the heart and rather than supporting crass commercialism, I made a gift for Dickie the Peap that I know he certainly will treasure: a simple handmade chart detailing profit levels based on a 200% labor rate mark-up for any jobs he does for Friends and Family. After all, if you can't charge friends exorbitant rates, how would you make any money?
In the end, though, it's the thought that counts. Thankfully, I only have to exert a few thoughts for half of my shopping list. I'll let you determine which half.
*gaudy, useless candle holders in the shape of reindeer, etc.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
A pause for thanks 2010
With those ground rules established, let me briefly recite some of the things I am thankful for: First and foremost, I am thankful for my wonderful life partner, best friend, lover, and thought compass for 29 years, Mrs. Kfred. I love you dear. I am thankful for the above mentioned 2 offspring and our newest addition, Goldilocks, She is a wonderful girl. I am thankful for my job within Dilbertland. Like any job, there are things you don't like, but they have been fair to me and have treated me well (I know people whom are suffering with unemployment right now and one truly should be grateful). I am grateful for my siblings: Brother Eddie, Gertie, and Ace. Though separated by many miles, I actually think we are closer than when we were kids living under the same roof. Of course, I am thankful for my friendship with the dimwits that serve as inspirational fodder for subjects posted here on a daily basis: the more than 30 year affiliation with the "Trinity of Idiocy" consisting of Gummo the Balloon Boy, the Green Comic, and Rat Bastard G; that golfing hack, Dickie the Peap; my Assistant Executive Director/Resident Trustee, Giacommo; and the rest. With the antics and ideas that involve you, this is really easy to do on a daily basis. Please, don't stop. And finally, the readers, I thank you. Our 2 faithful readers continue to get in the act and are actually close to becoming part of the story. To the rest of those whom are mistakenly directed to this site when they are searching for something actually meaningful to read, I apologize. You have to admit, though, it is kind of like seeing an accident on the roadside. Admit it: you want to see a body, don't you? Wherever you are, I wish you a great holiday and thank you for your support. I'll be back tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that.
My life is truly blessed.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
An image makeover
I got off of the phone with the Rat Bastard G yesterday whom informed me that he is tiring of his 5 week old goatee and is considering shaving it off. I asked him why he wants to get rid of it so soon after growing it and he informed me he just wants to go another direction with his appearance.
Initially, I thought the idea was kind of loopey in the first place as it does not quite match his persona as a fat, old, white rapper. Oddly, his act as an opener for the Green Comic, has been met with positive feedback. G is kind of like a bad boy Barry Manilow: crisp around the edges and kind of doughy in the middle. Anyway, he doesn't seem to care about what his audience may think. He is thinking of jettisoning it all.
This conversation got me thinking. Instead of ditching the goatee and re-embracing his personna as the middle aged answer to the 90's rapper Vanilla Ice, I think he ought to attempt to shift his direction entirely and become more like Emperor Wang the Perverted character in the 1970's science fiction/porno parody Flesh Gordon. Obviously, there is risk in trading out your fanbase. And yes, you are going to need to come up with a new tagline. In the meantime, you can always use the one that brought laughs for Emperor Wang: "Up yours, Gordon".
Monday, November 22, 2010
Your weather forecast with our slant
The Institute is located in a fairly temperate region where we receive occasional, scant snowfall totals during the winter season. Many years, there is no measurable snowfall totals at all. One of the reasons Mrs. Kfred and I moved to this area was to leave a more vigorous winter area behind. I don't mind snow, but quite honestly, if I don't see it again ever in my life, it wouldn't bother me a bit. Over the last few days a developing cold front and approaching wet system have been forecast to collide over our area. Of course, all of the television stations and local papers have led with these stories to stir people up and warn them to be prepared for the coming "arctic blast" (lows forecast to be 20-25 F). The hard hitting reporting by the local media finally exploded with this earth-shattering quote from a meteorologist from the National Weather Service: "cold air and moisture are the ingredients for snow".
A major hurdle for us here at FTI is to constantly find sites where our "affiliates" can be transitioned back to society with a minimum amount of disruption of their habits and thinking processes while housed with us. I am pleased to announce we have entered into a working agreement with the National Weather Service whom have allocated the next 2 vacancies within their department to be filled by former FTI personnel. It should be a good match for both sides.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
It's Sunday Brunch
Just like Sunday Brunch, most of the stuff here is overvalued, pre-cooked, and have already been sneezed on by some snotty 6 year old kid. But, go ahead: take a look here and see if any of these days old items are to your liking. Like most places, our admonishments are the same: "Take as much as you want, read all that you take".
The weekly struggle begins again tomorrow. See you then.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
I know it's out here somewhere
Portland, Oregon-- Who among us has driven 2,000 miles, reported our wheels stolen and dropped $1,400 on billboards offering a reward – only to discover that we were looking on the wrong street?
Mark Walther of Oklahoma City says he's "mighty embarrassed."
On Nov. 9, after two days of driving, the 58-year-old retired municipal employee and U.S. Navy Reservist pulled into Portland to deal with his deceased sister's estate.
He stretched his legs, grabbed a burger, and returned to where he thought he had parked his trusty 1992 Toyota pickup. It wasn't there.
Sure, he looked around. No sign. So he reported the old King Cab truck stolen.
But he wasn't ready to say goodbye to the truck, the mountain bike in the back, the Neil Young and John Prine CDs on the front seat, or the miles of memories.
After flying home, he put down $1,400 for two billboards with a photo of the green truck and a $5,000-reward offer (no questions asked). He also placed a classified ad in The Oregonian: "2 time Iraq War veteran desperate for return of vehicle!"
Then, on Wednesday, a woman called Walther. She asked him to come move his truck so that she could rake the leaves piled up under it. The woman, who spotted Walther's phone number on a piece of paper on the dashboard, lived about five blocks away from where he thought he parked.
Walther explained that it didn't help that he arrived in Portland after dark. "I got turned around in an awful way," he said.
"I'm usually pretty good at directions," Walther says. "I guess the Lord's not done teaching me lessons, so he's shoving a big one down my throat."
Friday, November 19, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Waiter, there are some hairs on my plate
LAWRENCEBURG, Ky. — Two central Kentucky men were sentenced to probation in connection with a bizarre case in which a third man said he was forced to eat his beard after an argument. The Lexington Herald-Leader reported 47-year-old Troy Holt and 51-year-old James Hill were sentenced Tuesday in Anderson Circuit Court.
Harvey Westmoreland of Lawrenceburg had said Holt cut off his beard and forced him to eat it while Hill allegedly held a sickle blade to Westmoreland and his brother during the May incident.
Holt could not say why he made Westmoreland eat his beard other than that things "got out of control" after some heavy drinking.
He added, "I ain't got no excuses about what I done."
Hill had no comment after sentencing.