
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Do I get a 10 minute break as well?

I note that the minimum wage is actually going down in the state of Colorado and could do so  as well in 10 other states.  This could be especially harmful to the results of this blog as we could potentially be affected by this.   Our cheap-ass Board of Directors are constantly looking for ways to minimize costs and what better way than to pare the compensation of the contributing thinkers?  All of our staff and thinkers work at this wage level to start with.

On further reflection and review of the past 90 days efforts, however,  I have come to realize this could be a good thing.  The content to date has been fairly estimated to be that of efforts worth $1.00 hour.  Or, to put it into perspective, equal to the compensation most babysitters earned in the 1970s.  I  see many similarities between  that babysitter's duties and my position. 

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