
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Let's jump rope instead

I had a chance to reflect over the 3 day weekend and realized that part of the lingering malaise associated with FTI is a lack of a purpose; a greater good, a sense of what are we here for. Oh sure, our primary duty to offer policy, analysis, and observations will never be abandoned; it's what we have built our legacy upon and admittedly, to date, we have mostly missed that mark. The true target, though, can never be forgotten. And that's where my position as Executive Director becomes accountable. I need to spur our team to greater heights when they offer their mental contributions on a daily basis.

I happened upon the closeout bin in a store that offered some motivational items marked down for clearance. Thumbing through the usual photos of rainbows, ripples on a pond, small furry animals, and weeping third degree burns, I just didn't seem to find the poster that would strike the right cord for what I was trying to accomplish. Then, like a bolt of lightning, it struck. I promptly bought the remaining 5 copies and have installed them at strategic locations around the compound to constantly remind the Misfits of the heights they can achieve with little effort. I think you will now see some real purpose happening around here now.

1 comment:

  1. Holy Cow! I believe your HR dept may find some sort of harrassment charge awaiting you.


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