
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Oh, I forgot. The question must be in the form of an answer

I currently frequent 52 different sites that have ID and password requirements. Amazon, youtube, ebay, my credit card, this blog. You get the idea. User ID. Password. You have to enter them before access. There is no getting around it anymore.

Unfortunately, you can't use the same password from site to site because some require a certain amount of characters, some require numbers, etc. Then you forget the easy-to-remember password and you are stuck. You have to answer a secret question in order to recover the password. Let's bypass this security measure. In order to lessen the frustration and lost time of recovering forgotten passwords, I propose that we get credit for passwords that are close enough. Close enough is just to the point of being vague that anyone trying to hack your account will get frustrated and give up, but, free you from the burden of having to remember countless phrases and words. Here's an example: The password is "5Tiger". My first guess was " nipple ring". No go. 2nd attempt: "dillweed". Close enough.

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