1) \ˈflat-ˌlīn\ \ˈthiŋk-ing\ the written documentation of actions and observations by a person apparently in a state of no progress or advancement.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Darby O'Peap and the little people
From renting chairs and glassware to cleaning up around the party site, many tasks are being accomplished. This year holds special meaning as this may indeed be the last year it is conducted. Though upwards of 40-50 guests are expected to partake, general concensus is that most revelers are finally figuring out that the lure of free watered-down Irish coffees and healthy snacks (thank you Mrs. O'Peap) is simply not worth the $8 per car parking charge, $6 table minimum , and $1 per person exit fee.
It's always those nuisance fees that kill you, isn't it?
COMING NEXT: We finally are going to realize our own pot of gold!
Monday, March 4, 2013
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Kfred
The test begins with the admonishment that you can't cheat the test. There are no right answers. Just read the statements and answer them honestly. If you are unsure, go with your first reaction. OK, fair enough; that is how I trust most of those tests, anyway. There were seventy-five identical sets of statements. You are instructed to choose the one how someone judging you would want them to be answered (to form a positive reaction of you) while answering the second one with the way you truly feel. For nearly seventy of the questions, I think I answered both sets identically. Upon completion of the test and before scoring, I received the message that I should review the answers on statements that I had made about how I really feel as my answers had scored an "unusually favorable reaction"! What the Hell! There is something wrong with me for scoring as a favorable personality?
I think maybe my confusion is how the statements were worded. For example, "Most workers left on their own will do the right thing" and "Most workers left on their own will not do the right thing". I indicated on both sets of answers to the former. I initially trust all people that they are here to do the right things. I am not paranoid or suspecting of people. Likewise, "Bosses will take advantage of their employees if they can" and "Bosses will not take advantage of their employees if they can" was answered with the latter. I think most bosses realize it is better to treat people well as they will be more successful if their employees are happy and successful as well. "I have stolen an item of value" and "I have never stolen an item of value" was an interesting statement. You would initially want to answer as never having stolen anything of value, but, of course that would be a lie. I selected the first statement. I have stolen second, a kiss, time, an idea, and someone's girlfriend to name a few. And yes, when I was 12 years old, I stole a cigarette lighter. Does that make make me a bad person?
In the end, I immediately jumped to the end of the test not reviewing a single one of my questions and pushed the "Finish" button. My answers are my answers. I answered truthfully. If that makes me appear to be too good to be true and unbelievable, so be it. I always will have the simple chronicles of truth, fact, and thought displayed here on an intermittent basis as basis of proof.
Friday, March 1, 2013
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Finally. Finally! Score one for the Good guys!
My ongoing battle and lawsuit with the idiot judgment debtor is approaching the 5 year mark in August. 5 years! My fellow plaintiffs and I won not only our case and judgment, but also were awarded attorney fees as well. That does not happen! It just doesn't. But, we did; and we should be able to collect. This idiot, however, has thwarted our every move to collect and has totally frustrated us in the fact that he has escaped responsibility for his actions. He simply has not paid what he owes. And a lot of the blame goes to the court system for allowing him to continually stall. Stalls cost money. And so far it has cost us money. To date, he had only posted a bond totalling $205,000 while accruing a debt far greater than that. Problem? Yep, I am what they called "undersecured". Finally, yesterday in court once again, all of the "woe is me, they are going to bankrupt me, I can't pay any more, I don't have any money, we are still in appeal" etc., and rest of the lame excuses came to a screeching halt when Sleepy the Judge finally woke up and slapped our boy with the decision that he has 20 days to come up with another $85K in cash (or cash bond). Now we're talking'. The beauty is that added to the previous $205K, that brings us up to a total of $290K and, voila, I am fully secured! For you novice Perry Mason's out there, allow me to translate: Our costs are covered.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Bones! Analysis! "He's dead, Jim"
I am posting this message while recuperating in the FTI sick bay. The rhythmic, intermittent beeps of the single AA battery powered monitor is the only sound in the room. Gazing around and marveling at the tools and methods we have at our disposal here used to help heal the sick, I am constantly amazed and thankful; the Mayo clinic has nothing on us. Jars of leeches, rusted hacksaws, and ground leaves and twigs for making an herbal tea certainly accomplish the tasks to stop bleeding, perform amputations, or rid one of those pesky headaches that the big boys use. And all without that expensive technology. The cheap-assed Board of Directors took some heat when initially setting up our infirmary, but now, it appears to have been a stroke of genius. I truly am blessed.
I will recount the immediate past history of how I got here in the first place, below. The details may be a bit unpleasant; the mental images a bit unsettling. Now, with full disclosure, I suggest the weak-kneed among our readership pass on today's posting and return again another day when we discuss something more benign, like newly discovered frugal habits of Dickie the Peap. (Who knew pocket lint could be woven into a 4 x 5 area accent rug?) In the meantime, knowing that our loyal 2 member readership falls in one of 3 categories:
a) They mistakenly set this as their homepage and don't know how to change it, so, they have to come here;
b) They think if they click on this page enough times, they will qualify for a free prize;
c) They come here to just to make fun of me and leave some smart-assed crack to provoke me;
I will proceed while realizing that option "C" is the heavy odds-on favorite as the correct answer.
Sunday night at approximately 12:30 am, I awoke to my stomach gurgling and growling and a sudden convulsion that shook me all the way up to my throat; I figure I better get to the restroom. Fast. Kicking the covers off, I made into the restroom and stood there, Nothing. Now, there normally aren't false alarms on this kind of stuff, so, I thought I would hang out for a few minutes. I lifted the toilet seat and sat down on the floor next to the toilet. Sure enough, about 30 seconds later, the wave started up from my midsection and I wretch just enough to get a bit of food out, but nothing significant. Of course, the fact that my body gave it a full effort does not come into play. A little or a lot, it still hurts. I sound like a wounded Zombie as I lean over and spew. Oh, no. Realizing this wasn't going to be very pleasant, I wait there again for wave number 2. As I am sitting on the floor and preparing for the next grand event, I realize the sensation of a relaxed sphincter muscle now starting to make it's presence known as well. Oh-oh. Double trouble, I am on the floor scrambling to get up and sit on the pot while furiously tugging at my underwear to clear the drop zone. Sure enough, BAM! Now I have got it going at both ends. This scenario continued every half hour until 5 am with little to no sleep involved. In the meantime, I alternate between cold shivering chills and dripping sweat while I am on my knees paying homage to the porcelain God. Finally, at 5 a.m. I cleared everything out and was able to fall asleep. A bonus side effect if this whole matter? It's so pleasant to feel that acid taste on your lips and inside of your mouth. Of course, when I try to drink a bit of water to clear it, I end up tossing that right back up as well.
I thought this was all related to the flu, but have since determined that Marv the Neighbor and his wife were sick as well Sunday night. The significance of that? Mrs. Kfred and I and he and his wife went out to dinner at a BBQ place Saturday night. 3 of the 4 of us ate potato salad. Guess which 3 got sick in exactly the same manner? I didn't have the flu. I got food poisoning. I always thought food poisoning came on quicker, but, subsequent research shows that it has a 12 to 72 hour incubation period. I called the restaurant to notify them and, of course, mine was the first call. I wasn't calling to threaten or beg a free meal. I just wanted them to realize they may have a problem and to address their food handling procedures. The manager at the end of the line was sympathetic and concerned, but, I didn't get the feeling that she thought they were involved. Oh well.
I have had food poisoning one other time. It is not pleasant. I am feeling a bit better today but will not be going to Dilbertland today, either. I just am not up to my full strength. Spring and summer are a comin'. Picnics, barbeque's, out door meals are all a bunch of fun. Just make sure when you load up on that second helping of Aunt Mae's famous potato salad that it has been handled correctly. It isn't as great coming out as it was going in.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Some simple writing rules
* One should never generalize
* Profanity sucks
* Avoid being redundant, don't use more words than necessary. It's highly superfluous.
* Prepositions are not words to end sentences with.
I think you get the idea. I might violate these basics from time to time, but, it certainly isn't intentional. My purpose of this whole exercise is to get one to think. After all, who needs rhetorical questions?
Friday, January 25, 2013
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
This is a true collectors item
Friday, January 18, 2013
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Like a bad habit, I am back.
My recent installation attempt of a rooftop based weather center here at the FTI compound was met with total and utter failure, an actual real life observation of the concepts of gravity, and ultimately, being out an additional $46.95 (plus shipping). I received a newer weather center for Christmas and while on the roof recently to install the wind meter (anonometer), the damn thing slipped out of my hands, tumbled down the frosty roof,cracked while hitting the rain gutter, came apart when landing on the deck, bounced through the railing, and disintegrated upon impact onto the ground. Lesson here? Look at the trees to determine wind velocity and direction.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Monday, December 31, 2012
Hey 2012, thanks for dropping by
Trying to lose weight via the Gummo, the Balloon Boy, method of weight reduction is more harmful than good. No exercise should include a life alert alarm. The pending global warming issue has certainly not been settled in any fashion during the year and this contribution from our FTI scientific division did nothing to help the cause. Never ones to rest on their laurels, the FTI IT department, (the most hated and reviled department here at FTI)did create and implement our ongoing Example of Greed feature on the righthand side bar. It truly does serve as a reminder of what greed can eventually cost you. Lastly, the epic golf struggles of one, D. the Peap, were immortalized by this single event on a nice last summer afternoon. Oh sure, I lost a couple of rounds here and there, but, this is what it is all about. Added to my outing this past Saturday (yes, golf in December)and it's easy to see that the little miser's game is going to appear like he is playing with his hands in his pocket instead of the club when we resume again this springtime. On further analysis, he apparently is so intent on holding on to his wallet, that he does play with his hand in his pockets!
2013, welcome to my world, I can't wait to get going with you.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Monday, December 24, 2012
The tradition continues
'Twas the night before Christmas, and all ‘round the ‘tute
The dimwits were sleeping, the sight is not cute.
The restraints were hung by the chimney with care,
It’s for their own safety and general welfare;
The misfits were locked in their dormitory with beds,
They’re really no more than slow-thinking pinheads;
And Mrs Kfred in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled down for a long winter's nap,
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.
He’d be the one to visit our mentally sick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called the dimwits by name;
"Now, Freako! now, Gummo! and Dickie the Peap!
Wake up you slow whacko’s; you need no more sleep!
And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof,
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
He knew of these idiots I suffer each day,
He couldn’t believe I had chosen to stay.
As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound.
He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot;
Some brand new straightjackets he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack.
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread;
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
Replacing old tethers with an all knowing smirk,
He knew the great burden I constantly bear,
Sometimes I think, "I’m in a giant daycare,"
"Now Kfred," he boomed, “Don’t Worry, Don’t fuss,
All people have seen them aboard the short bus,
Most readers know they are all mental midgets,
Their collective IQ is but one single digit”,
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose;
He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, 'ere he drove out of sight,
“I’m glad I’m not you: None of those idiots seem right!”
(with profuse apologies to Clement Clarke Moore)
Friday, December 21, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
We interrupt this posting
Saturday, December 15, 2012
COMING MONDAY: A recap of my annual Christmas luncheon with Dickie the Peap.