Rapidly ascending my list of screw-up companies while simultaneously dropping from the top of my corresponding "Can't miss" list, the good folks at Verizon Wireless are about to momentarily step into the blinding glare of the FTI Hall of Shame spotlight. Like the long running advertising campaign using the clever slogan that title's today's post, I would like to ask their upper management this same question.
I went in to one of the Verizon Wireless stores the other day to get a new car charger for my cell phone. No big deal. The old one has lost it's tight connection with the phone such that I don't get a good connection to consistently receive a charge. As a result, sometimes when I think my phone should be charged, I am at the same place I started 2 hours earlier: a near dead battery powered phone in my hand. Anyways, normally you are met at the door by a Verizon greeter who, it turns out, is supposed to get your name and put you on a list to be helped by the next available salesperson. Somehow, I apparently accidentally engaged my personal cloaking device (I didn't even know I had that ability, but, I must have) and made it over to the charger rack undetected by any of the employees. I found the charger I wanted, but, was somewhat stymied as there was a locking device on the rack. Further investigating, I found a lone wolf charger off of it's wire hanger of the rack and claimed it as the one I wished to purchase. I stepped up to the counter to make my purchase, eager to trade my hard earned wampum for the shiny gadget, and be on my merry way. No such luck. 2 of the tie wearing, bearded, computer monitor staring drones, promptly ignored me for the first 30 seconds as I stood at the counter. No acknowledgement, no eye contact, nothing. They then both stroll away from the counter leaving me by myself with no "I will be right back", or "we'll ring that up in a minute", or anything else. As I was pressed for time on that day, I thought to hell with it, left the charger on the counter, and walked out. Yesterday, I go to a different location thinking I will swoop in and chalk up my previous experience to bad luck. This time, however, I obviously have all of my identifying features as a "customer" working as I am pleasantly greeted by a smiling young woman who addresses me and asks me how they can help. I tell her I just need a car charger for my phone. She asks me for my name so that the next available salesperson can help me. I reply I just need a charger; do I need a salesperson to help me for that? "Yes, and the next one available will be glad to help you with that." So, I give her my name, and wait. And wait. There are 3 guys with customers at the counter and 2 out on the sales floor with shoppers. 2 people are ahead of me waiting in line and I just want a damn phone charger and get the hell out of there. After 10 minutes of weight shifting standing from leg to leg making me to appear as if I am imitating a 5 year old who can no longer "hold it", I decide the wait is not worth it and vamooose out of the store. Screw it.
I am certain that neither of our 2 faithful readers here are connected to Verizon wireless. As a result, today's whining effort is nothing more than a written catharsis for me in dealing with this issue. I understand the idea of customer service, and prompt personal interaction with the customer. Sometimes, though, the customer does not ask for that. I am ok with self service when I know what I want, can go get it myself, pay for it in a reasonable amount of time, and be on my way. To inconvenience me so they might be able to sell me something I hadn't originally intended to buy by interacting with me doesn't seem to be a good way to operate. It leaves me thinking that perhaps the coverage is a bit spotty.